metam. 14. 517-520

Apulus has illa pastor regione fugatas
terruit et primo subita formidine movit,
mox, ubi mens rediit et contempsere sequentem,
ad numerum motis pedibus duxere choreas; 520

Pastor: shepherd (nom.). regione: area, region. fugatas < fugo, perf. pass. acc. part; primo; subita; formidine: fear, terror, alarm. rediit: return, go back (a “syncopated perfect”); contempsere: think little of, look down on. Sequentem: follow, accompany / following, next; motis: dat or abl. perf. pass. part. of movere. chorea, –ae: dance, dancers, multitude, choir.
[An Appulian shepherd in the region frightened them into leaving it, and at first, submitting, they moved away in fear. Soon, their good spirits returned and they looked down on him, moving their feet in time, performing dances.]